Having a priority in managing biodiversity, PT Tirta Investama – Mambal Factory (AQUA) collaborates with the Biology Study Program FMIPA Udayana University in monitoring biodiversity in the target villages

Biodiversity is one of the main considerations in regional development. The decline in ecosystem function due to the decline in biodiversity not only causes local losses, but has the potential to have a multiplier effect on regional development in the future. Apart from that, the impact of decreasing biodiversity has begun to have a significant impact in the last few decades, such as the difficulty of encountering certain species and the decline in ecosystem function.


PT Tirta Investama – Mambal Factory (Aqua) has several assisted villages that not only focus on social activities, but also on nature conservation. To optimize nature conservation activities, PT Tirta Investama – Mambal Factory has established cooperation in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding with Udayana University which was followed by a Letter of Agreement with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This collaboration was implemented by the Biology Study Program and the Biology Student Association (Himabio) FMIPA Unud through the Bali Biodiversity Camp program.


Bali Biodiversity Camp, better known as BBC, is an activity that has been carried out regularly since 2021 to assist conservation cadres assisted by PT Tirta Investama - Mambal Factory in monitoring biodiversity. BBC activities in 2024 consist of three main agendas, namely a flora and fauna data collection workshop on 1-2 June 2024, biodiversity monitoring in the Desa Adat Karang Dalem Tua, Abiansemal District on 8-9 June 2024, and biodiversity monitoring in Banjar Jempanang, Belok Sidan Village, Petang District on June 15-16 2024.


A workshop on collecting flora and fauna data was held on the Biology Study Program campus, FMIPA Unud with 32 participants, carried out over two days. On the first day, the workshop event began with remarks from the chairman of Himabio for the 2024 period, Nani Sifani br Wargain-angin, which was then opened by the Coordinator of the Biology Study Program, Dr. I Ketut Ginantra, S.Pd., M.Si. After the opening, the event continued with a presentation on insect data collection by Dr. Ni Made Suartini, S.Si., M.Si which continued with practice using a sweep net and preserving insects. Next, there was a presentation on flora data collection by I Made Saka Wijaya, S.Sc., M.Sc. accompanied by practice. Flora data collection includes land plant diversity data and ecological data collection to study vegetation conditions in the monitoring area. The event on the first day closed with an evaluation of the data collection results, as well as noting errors or areas that needed to be improved.


On the second day, material was given by Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, M.Sc., Ph.D. regarding how to collect bird data, followed by the practice of filling out tally sheets and using binoculars. Activities carried out around campus are able to provide workshop participants with insight into the diversity of bird species around campus. It's like, students are studying together with bird species who are listening to the lecture from the room window.


The next event was monitoring in the Desa Adat Karang Dalem Tua which is located in Abisansemal District, Badung Regency. This activity was carried out for 2 days, namely on June 8 and 9 2024. Flora and fauna data collection was carried out in the morning and afternoon. On June 9 2024, before the activity ended, a presentation was made by participants regarding the results of the monitoring that had been carried out. Apart from that, the community was also involved in taking part in this activity, thereby indirectly providing education about the importance of protecting the environment in the Desa Adat Karang Dalem Tua. The introduction of rare species and species that are increasingly difficult to find in Indonesia (especially Bali) is also carried out to increase public awareness that there is currently a biodiversity crisis in Indonesia. One of the interesting things was the participant's encounter with the crested serpent eagle (Spinornis cheela) which flew low in the morning, thus triggering the participant's enthusiasm even higher.


One week after the activities in Desa Adat Karang Dalem Tua, monitoring continued in Banjar Jempanang located in Belok Sidan Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. Activities in Banjar Jempanang were also carried out for two days, namely on 15 and 16 June 2024. Observations on the first day gave a unique impression for each group. Participants who were divided into three groups explored three types of land, namely forests, plantations and around rivers. These different locations turned out to have a diversity that was not completely the same, so that participants were able to discuss the results of their observations. After presenting the results and discussions on June 16 2024, the BBC 2024 event was officially closed by the person in charge of activities from PT Tirta Investama – Mambal Factory. After closing, the top predators in Banjar Jempanang also said goodbye by passing the participants to the forest area in Banjar Jempanang. The two predators are the crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela) and the black eagle (Ictinaetus malaiensis)


In general, BBC 2024 activities have various impacts on society and students. From this activity, the community increasingly understands the high potential of biodiversity in the area, as well as the importance of maintaining the existence of biodiversity in supporting ecosystem functions. From a student's perspective, this activity teaches technical skills in collecting flora and fauna data. Apart from that, students can also hone their speaking skills when conveying monitoring results to the public.